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Glorie top quality Baard olie 50 ml

Glorie top quality Beard oil 50 ml, 

You climb mountains and you brand cattle. You catch fish with dynamite and you drink beer from a dried ratchet scrotum. You hunt and set fire and kill burglars with your bare hands. You love three things; your mother, your bakkie and your beard. That's why you buy chocolate for your mother, diesel for your bakkie and Buffelsfontein Beard oil for your beard.
Our oil will make your beard look so majestic, that lions in the game garden will weep with jealousy. Tawwe Tienies' lower lips will start to quiver when you walk past. Skinny teenagers will wet their rugby shorts when you talk. Asters will blush as your chin fringe flutters in the wind. Your kingship will amaze the nations.

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Glorie top quality Beard oil 50 ml, beard oil Kruidvat

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